Quasar Icon Sets

Quasar components have their own icons. Rather than forcing you into using one icon library in particular (so that they can display correctly), Quasar lets you choose which icons it should use for its components. This is called a Quasar Icon Set.

You can install multiple icon libraries, but you must choose only one to use on Quasar’s components.

Quasar currently supports: Material Icons, Material Symbols, Font Awesome, Ionicons, MDI, Eva Icons, Themify Icons, Line Awesome and Bootstrap Icons.

It is also possible to use your own icons (as custom svgs or as images in any format) with any Quasar component, see the QIcon page for more info on this.

Configuring the default Icon Set

There are two types of Quasar Icon Sets: webfont-based and svg-based.

Unless configured otherwise, Quasar uses Material Icons webfont as the icon set for its components. You can however tell Quasar to use some other Icon Set, but if it’s a webfont-based one then be sure to include its icon library in your website/app (see Installing Icon Libraries).


If the default Quasar Icon Set is not dynamically determined (does not depends on cookies for example), then you can:

Quasar CLI Way

We edit /quasar.config.js again:

framework: {
  // webfont-based example
  iconSet: 'mdi-v6'
framework: {
  // svg-based example
  iconSet: 'svg-mdi-v6'

For all available options, visit the GitHub repository.

Full example of including MDI & Fontawesome and telling Quasar to use Fontawesome for its components.

extras: [
framework: {
  iconSet: 'fontawesome-v6'

This will enable you to use both MDI & Fontawesome webfonts in your app, and all Quasar components will display Fontawesome icons.


Include the Quasar Icon Set tag for your Quasar version and also tell Quasar to use it. Example:

<!-- include this after Quasar JS tag -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/quasar@v2/dist/icon-set/fontawesome-v6.umd.prod.js"></script>

Check what tags you need to include in your HTML files on UMD / Standalone page.

Quasar Vite Plugin Way

We edit your main.js:

// ...
import { Quasar } from 'quasar'
// ...
import iconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/fontawesome-v6'
import '@quasar/extras/fontawesome-v6/fontawesome-v6.css'
// ...
app.use(Quasar, {
  // ...,
  iconSet: iconSet

Vue CLI Way

We edit your main.js:

import iconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/fontawesome-v6'
// ...
import { Quasar } from 'quasar'
// ...
app.use(Quasar, {
  // ...,
  iconSet: iconSet

Dynamic (on non-SSR)

Quasar CLI: If your desired Quasar Icon Set must be dynamically selected (example: depends on a cookie), then you need to create a boot file: $ quasar new boot quasar-icon-set [--format ts]. This will create /src/boot/quasar-icon-set.js file. Edit it to:

// -- With @quasar/app-vite --

import { Quasar } from 'quasar'

// relative path to your node_modules/quasar/..
// change to YOUR path
const iconSetList = import.meta.glob('../../node_modules/quasar/icon-set/*.mjs')
// or just a select few (example below with only DE and FR):
// import.meta.glob('../../node_modules/quasar/icon-set/(mdi-v6|fontawesome-v6).mjs')

export default async () => {
  const iconSetName = 'mdi-v6' // ... some logic to determine it (use Cookies Plugin?)

  try {
    iconSetList[ `../../node_modules/quasar/icon-set/${ iconSetName }.mjs` ]().then(lang => {
  catch (err) {
    // Requested Quasar Icon Set does not exist,
    // let's not break the app, so catching error
// -- With @quasar/app-webpack --

import { Quasar } from 'quasar'

export default async () => {
  const iconSetName = 'mdi-v6' // ... some logic to determine it (use Cookies Plugin?)

  try {
    await import(
      /* webpackInclude: /(mdi-v6|fontawesome-v6)\.js$/ */
      'quasar/icon-set/' + iconSetName
    ).then(setDefinition => {
  catch (err) {
    // Requested Quasar Icon Set does not exist,
    // let's not break the app, so catching error

Then register this boot file into /quasar.config.js:

boot: [

Always constrain a dynamic import

Notice the use of the Webpack magic comment - webpackInclude. Otherwise all the available icon set files will be bundled, resulting in an increase in the compilation time and the bundle size. See Caveat for dynamic imports

Dynamic (on SSR)

When dealing with SSR, we can’t use singleton objects because that would pollute sessions. As a result, as opposed to the dynamical example above (read it first!), you must also specify the ssrContext from your boot file:

// -- With @quasar/app-vite --

import { Quasar } from 'quasar'

// relative path to your node_modules/quasar/..
// change to YOUR path
const iconSetList = import.meta.glob('../../node_modules/quasar/icon-set/*.mjs')
// or just a select few (example below with only DE and FR):
// import.meta.glob('../../node_modules/quasar/icon-set/(mdi-v6|fontawesome-v6).mjs')

// ! NOTICE ssrContext param:
export default async ({ ssrContext }) => {
  const iconSetName = 'mdi-v6' // ... some logic to determine it (use Cookies Plugin?)

  try {
    iconSetList[ `../../node_modules/quasar/icon-set/${ iconSetName }.mjs` ]().then(lang => {
      Quasar.iconSet.set(setDefinition.default, ssrContext)
  catch (err) {
    // Requested Quasar Icon Set does not exist,
    // let's not break the app, so catching error
// -- With @quasar/app-webpack --

import { Quasar } from 'quasar'

// ! NOTICE ssrContext param:
export default async ({ ssrContext }) => {
  const iconSetName = 'mdi-v6' // ... some logic to determine it (use Cookies Plugin?)

  try {
    await import(
      /* webpackInclude: /(mdi-v6|fontawesome-v6)\.js$/ */
      'quasar/icon-set/' + iconSetName
    ).then(setDefinition => {
      Quasar.iconSet.set(setDefinition.default, ssrContext)
  catch (err) {
    // Requested Quasar Icon Set does not exist,
    // let's not break the app, so catching error

Change Quasar Icon Set at Runtime

Changing Icon Set Dynamically

Quasar Icon Set is reactive, so all components will update properly if you change the $q.iconSet object. Here is an example:

// Composition API variant
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
import mdiIconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/mdi-v6.js'

setup () {
  const $q = useQuasar()

  function changeIconSetToMdiIconSet () {

  return {
// Options API variant
import mdiIconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/mdi-v6.js'

methods: {
  changeIconSetToMdiIconSet () {

Changing a Specific Icon Dynamically

If you want to change a specific icon to another, you can. Here is an example:

// Composition API variant
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'

setup () {
  const $q = useQuasar()

  function changeQEditorHeaderIcon () {
    $q.iconSet.editor.header1 = 'fas fa-font'

  return { changeQEditorHeaderIcon }
// Options API variant
methods: {
  changeQEditorHeaderIcon () {
    this.$q.iconSet.editor.header1 = 'fas fa-font'