DOM Script

src-bex/dom.js is a file that is injected into the underlying web page automatically by Quasar but as with all the other hook files has access to the bridge via:

import { bexDom } from 'quasar/wrappers'

export default bexDom((bridge) => {

If you ever find yourself needing to inject a JS file into your underlying web page, you can use the dom script instead as it means you can maintain that chain of communication in the BEX.

For example, lets say you wanted to write a BEX that detects whether or not a Quasar app is running on a page, the only way to do this is by running some javascript in the context of the web page.

// We create a new folder + file:
// src-bex/dom/detect-quasar.js

function initQuasar (bridge, quasarInstance) {
  bridge.send('quasar.detect', {
    version: quasarInstance.version,
    dark: {
      isActive: quasarInstance.dark ? quasarInstance.dark.isActive : void 0
    umd: quasarInstance.umd,
    iconSet: {
      __installed: quasarInstance.iconSet.__installed
    lang: {
      rtl: quasarInstance.lang.rtl
  window.__QUASAR_DEVTOOLS__ = {
    Quasar: quasarInstance

export default function detectQuasar (bridge) {
  if (window.Quasar) { // UMD
    initQuasar(bridge, {
      version: window.Quasar.version,
      dark: window.Quasar.Dark,
      umd: true
  else { // CLI
    let isVue3 = false
    setTimeout(() => {
      const all = document.querySelectorAll('*')
      let el
      for (let i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
        if (all[i].__vue__ || all[i].__vue_app__) {
          el = all[i]
          isVue3 = all[i].__vue_app__ !== void 0

      if (el) {
        const Vue = isVue3 ? el.__vue_app__ : Object.getPrototypeOf(el.__vue__).constructor

        const quasar = isVue3 ? Vue.config.globalProperties.$q : Vue.prototype.$q
        if (quasar) {
          initQuasar(bridge, quasar)
    }, 100)
// src-bex/dom.js:

import { bexDom } from 'quasar/wrappers'
import detectQuasar from './dom/detect-quasar'

export default bexDom((bridge) => {

The bridge above will notify all listeners in the BEX that Quasar has been found and along with that send the instance information.