Dark Plugin


For a better understanding of this Quasar plugin, please head to the Style & Identity Dark Mode page.

Dark API

Loading API...


This plugin is automatically installed. No need to do anything but directly use it.



Do not manually assign a value to isActive or mode from below. Instead, use the set(val) method.

Inside of a Vue file

import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
setup () {
  const $q = useQuasar()

  // get status
  console.log($q.dark.isActive) // true, false

  // get configured status
  console.log($q.dark.mode) // "auto", true, false

  // set status
  $q.dark.set(true) // or false or "auto"

  // toggle

On a SSR build, you may want to set this from your /src/App.vue:

import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'

export default {
  setup () {
    const $q = useQuasar()

    // calling here; equivalent to when component is created

Outside of a Vue file

// Warning! This method will not
// work on SSR builds.

import { Dark } from 'quasar'

// get status

// get configured status
console.log(Dark.mode) // "auto", true, false

// set status
Dark.set(true) // or false or "auto"

// toggle

Through quasar.config.js

You can also use /quasar.config.js to set the Dark mode status:

framework: {
  config: {
    dark: 'auto' // or Boolean true/false

Note about SSR

When on a SSR build:

  • import { Dark } from 'quasar' method of using Dark mode will not error out but it will not work (won’t do anything). But you can use the other two ways (see previous section). We recommend through quasar.config.js.
  • It’s preferred to avoid setting Dark mode to ‘auto’ for SSR builds. It’s because the client dark mode preference cannot be inferred, so SSR will always render in light mode then when the client takes over, it will switch to Dark (if it will be the case). As a result, a quick flicker of the screen will occur.

Watching for status change


import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
import { watch } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    const $q = useQuasar()

    watch(() => $q.dark.isActive, val => {
      console.log(val ? 'On dark mode' : 'On light mode')