Directive v-scroll

This is a Vue directive which takes one parameter (a Function) and fires when user scrolls the page containing that DOM node.


  • One alternative to using this directive is to place a QScrollObserver component on your page.
  • There is one more scrolling-related directive available called Scroll Fire.

Scroll API

Loading API...


  <div v-scroll="onScroll">...</div>

export default {
  setup () {
    function onScroll (position) {
      // when this method is invoked then it means user
      // has scrolled the page to `position`
      // `position` is an Integer designating the current
      // scroll position in pixels.

    return { onScroll }
import { debounce } from 'quasar'

export default {
  setup () {
    function onScroll (position) {
      // when this method is invoked then it means user
      // has scrolled the page to `position`
      // `position` is an Integer designating the current
      // scroll position in pixels.

    return {
      onScroll: debounce(onScroll, 200) // debounce for 200ms

Determining Scrolling Container

Please read here about how Quasar determines the container to attach scrolling events to.