
The QSelect component has two types of selection: single or multiple. This component opens up a menu for the selection list and action. A filter can also be used for longer lists.

In case you are looking for a dropdown “button” instead of “input” use Button Dropdown instead.

QSelect API

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For your QSelect you can use only one of the main designs (filled, outlined, standout, borderless). You cannot use multiple as they are self-exclusive.

Design Overview






As a helper, you can use clearable prop so user can reset model to null through an appended icon. The second QSelect in the example below is the equivalent of using clearable.


Disable and readonly

Disable and readonly

Slots with QBtn type “submit”


When placing a QBtn with type “submit” in one of the “before”, “after”, “prepend”, or “append” slots of a QField, QInput or QSelect, you should also add a @click listener on the QBtn in question. This listener should call the method that submits your form. All “click” events in such slots are not propagated to their parent elements.


Please note that transitions do not work when using options-cover prop.

In the example below there’s a few transitions showcased. For a full list of transitions available, go to Transitions.

Menu transitions

Options list display mode

By default QSelect shows the list of options as a menu on desktop and as a dialog on mobiles. You can force one behavior by using the behavior property.


Please note that on iOS menu behavior might generate problems, especially when used in combination with use-input prop. You can use a conditional behavior prop like :behavior="$ === true ? 'dialog' : 'menu'" to use dialog mode only on iOS.

Show options in menu

Show options in dialog

The model


The model for single selection can be anything (String, Object, …) while the model for multiple selection must be an Array.

Single vs multiple selection

Multiple selection, counter and max-values

The model content can be influenced by emit-value prop as you’ll learn in “The options” section below.

The options

Options type

String options

Object options

Affecting model

When emit-value is used, the model becomes the determined value from the specified selected option. Default is to emit the whole option. It makes sense to use it only when the options are of Object form.


When map-options is used, the model can contain only the value, and it will be mapped against the options to determine its label. There is a performance penalty involved, so use it only if absolutely necessary. It’s not needed, for example, if the model contains the whole Object (so contains the label prop).

Map options

Custom prop names

By default, QSelect looks at label, value, disable and sanitize props of each option from the options array Objects. But you can override those:


If you use functions for custom props always check if the option is null. These functions are used both for options in the list and for the selected options.

Custom label, value and disable props

Customizing menu options


The list of options is rendered using virtual scroll, so if you render more than one element for an option you must set a q-virtual-scroll--with-prev class on all elements except the first one.

Options slot

Here is another example where we add a QToggle to each option. The possibilities are endless.

Object options

By default, when there are no options, the menu won’t appear. But you can customize this scenario and specify what the menu should display.

No options slot

Lazy loading

The following example shows a glimpse of how you can play with lazy loading the options. This means, along with many other things, that options prop is not required on first render.

Lazy load options

You can dynamically load new options when scroll reaches the end:

Dynamic loading options

Cover mode

Menu covering component

The display value

Custom display value

Chips as display value

Selected-item slot

Filtering and autocomplete

Native attributes with use-input

All the attributes set on QSelect that are not in the list of props in the API will be passed to the native input field used (please check use-input prop description first to understand what it does) for filtering / autocomplete / adding new value. Some examples: autocomplete, placeholder.

More information: native input attributes.

Filtering options

Basic filtering

Filtering on more than 2 chars

Text autocomplete

Lazy filtering

Selecting option after filtering

Create new values


The following are just a few examples to get you started into making your own QSelect behavior. This is not exhaustive list of possibilities that QSelect offers.

It makes sense to use this feature along with use-input prop.

In order to enable the creation of new values, you need to either specify the new-value-mode prop and/or listen for @new-value event. If you use both, then the purpose of listening to @new-value would be only to override the new-value-mode in your custom scenarios.

The new-value-mode prop

The new-value-mode prop value specifies how the value should be added: add (adds a value, even if duplicate), add-unique (add only if NOT duplicate) or toggle (adds value if it’s not already in model, otherwise it removes it).

By using this prop you don’t need to also listen for @new-value event, unless you have some specific scenarios for which you want to override the behavior.

New value mode

The @new-value event

The @new-value event is emitted with the value to be added and a done callback. The done callback has two optional parameters:

  • the value to be added
  • the behavior (same values of new-value-mode prop, and when it is specified it overrides that prop – if it is used) – default behavior (if not using new-value-mode) is to add the value even if it would be a duplicate

Calling done() with no parameters simply empties the input box value, without tampering with the model in any way.

Listening on @new-value

Adding only unique values

Using menu and filtering

Filtering and adding the new values to menu:

Filtering and adding to menu

Filters new values (in the example below the value to be added requires at least 3 characters to pass), and does not add to menu:

Filtering without adding to menu

Generating multiple values from input:

Generating multiple values


By default, all options (included selected ones) are sanitized. This means that displaying them in HTML format is disabled. However, if you require HTML on your options and you trust their content, then there are a few ways to do this.

You can force the HTML form of the menu options by:

  • setting html key of the trusted option to true (for specific trusted options)
  • or by setting options-html prop of QSelect (for all options)

The displayed value of QSelect is displayed as HTML if:

  • the display-value-html prop of QSelect is set
  • or you are not using display-value and
    • the options-html prop of QSelect is set
    • any selected option has html key set to true


If you use selected or selected-item slots, then you are responsible for sanitization of the display value. The display-value-html prop will not apply.

Options in HTML form

Display value in HTML form

Render performance

The render performance is NOT affected much by the number of options, unless map-options is used on a large set. Notice the infinite scroll in place which renders additional options as the user scrolls through the list.


  • (Composition API) To get the best performance while using lots of options, do not wrap the array that you are passing in the options prop with ref()/computed()/reactive()/etc. This allows Vue to skip making the list “responsive” to changes.
  • (Options API) To get the best performance while using lots of options, freeze the array that you are passing in the options prop using Object.freeze(items). This allows Vue to skip making the list “responsive” to changes.
100k options

Keyboard navigation

When QSelect is focused:

  • pressing ENTER, ARROW DOWN (or SPACE if use-input is not set) will open the list of options
  • if use-chips is set:
    • pressing SHIFT + TAB will navigate backwards through the QChips (if a QChip is selected TAB will navigate forward through the QChips)
    • pressing ENTER when a QChip is selected will remove that option from the selection
    • pressing BACKSPACE will remove the last option from the selection (when use-input is set the input should be empty)
  • pressing TAB (or SHIFT + TAB if use-chips is not set or the first QChip is selected) will navigate to the next or previous focusable element on page
  • typing text (0 - 9 or A - Z) if use-input is not set will:
    • create a search buffer (will be reset when a new key is not typed for 1.5 seconds) that will be used to search in the options labels
    • select the next option starting with that letter (after the current focused one) if the first key in buffer is typed multiple times
    • select the next option (starting with the current focused one) that matches the typed text (the match is fuzzy - the option label should start with the first letter and contain all the letters)

When the list of options is opened:

  • pressing ARROW UP or ARROW DOWN will navigate up or down in the list of options
  • pressing PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN will navigate one page up or down in the list of options
  • pressing HOME or END will navigate to the start or end of the list of options (only if you are not using use-input, or the input is empty)
  • when navigating using arrow keys, navigation will wrap when reaching the start or end of the list
  • pressing ENTER (or SPACE when use-input is not set, or TAB when multiple is not set) when an option is selected in the list will:
    • select the option and close the list of options if multiple is not set
    • toggle the option if multiple is set

Native form submit

When dealing with a native form which has an action and a method (eg. when using Quasar with ASP.NET controllers), you need to specify the name property on QSelect, otherwise formData will not contain it (if it should) - all value are converted to string (native behaviour, so do not use Object values):

Native form